Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy or Chirotherapy is a modern specialized physical therapy method, recognized worldwide for its rapid therapeutic results. In this method scientifically proven manual mobilization techniques of bones-joints, muscles, nerves and tendons are used. These techniques are combined with therapeutic exercises or other means of rehabilitation reducing pain and muscle spasm, increasing joint mobility, reducing inflammation, restoring functionality and creating a general feeling of relaxation.

The Maitland Concept assessment & treatment technique is nowadays considered the cornerstone of modern Orthopedic Chiropractic Therapy (Manual Therapy) for the treatment of spine and peripheral joint problems.
It uses as its main tools the analytical examination - evaluation and specialized treatment of the patient's symptoms in order to create an effective treatment plan. This approach is patient-centered with respect for both the diagnosis and the underlying pathology.
The Maitland method of chiropractic aims to find the mechanism behind the symptoms. It is recognized worldwide as an effective, safe and gentle way to evaluate and treat the orthopedic patient in terms of pain management, inflammation reduction, movement restoration and function optimization.
It is a new therapeutic entity in Greece, which is now the international step for the most essential - radical treatment of neuromusculoskeletal problems in relation to the old classical physical therapy.